Corrupt as F**k!


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Corrupt as F!

A ten part docuseries of New Hampshire politics. Why New Hampshire? It has the second largest state house in the world with 423 representatives. To be a representative you need $100 only. However, there is over $900 billion in foreign investments hiding behind trusts, LLCs and lobbyists. It is the place where El Chapo’s cousin was tried. US prosecutors alleged he was part of a larger network. The local judge insisted he was not. He had an attorney from the Attorney General’s office represent him. Drug trafficking has continued in New Hampshire. Most recently a 5 year old boy’s body was discovered riddled with fentanyl.


It is the place where Ghislaine Maxwell was hiding out on a 156 acre estate purchased for $1 million, valued at $3 million, registered by the local Registrar of Deeds, an elected official who used to be in the Banking Department. The Banking Department was ensnared in New Hampshire’s notorious FRM Ponzi scheme. So was the attorney general’s office and the department of revenue. This series will show how corruption works at the highest level and using taxpayer money.


Once you understand it in New Hampshire it can be applied to other states and other countries. Corrupt as F**k is the perfect introduction following true cases and people on all sides of this.