Episode Guide

We have broken this series up, to 10, 60 minute episodes on New Hampshire state wide issues, and how they affect the Country on a nationwide level.

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This episode guide is a template for what is to come. However – This will look different after the final cut has been made. Thanks for your support.


Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant

Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant or Seabrook Station has been mired in controversy since construction began in 1976.  Design issues, lack  of a viable escape route,  anti-nuclear protests and cost overruns all led to some of the most expensive electric bills in the country. 


 The plant is located minutes from New Hampshire’s  busiest summer resort, Hampton Beach. It also borders Salisbury and Newburyport Massachusetts.  Two of the most popular resort destinations. On any given summer day the traffic getting off these beaches is a  nightmare.   Yet, there is no viable escape route if something should happen at the plant.  In fact, local residents are encouraged to keep potassium iodide pills. These  are used to protect the thyroid from high concentrations of radiation in the event of an accident.  


In 2021, Seabrook is facing its  biggest challenge yet:  decaying concrete.  Concrete is a critical safety component for the nuclear plant.   For Seabrook, this is the same concrete responsible for containing the radioactivity.  At the same time the owners of Seabrook are trying to get an operating license extension.  Meanwhile, private citizens are paying for radioactive monitoring out of their own pockets.  What happens if the concrete fails?  What is the New Hampshire Government doing about it? More importantly, what are they not doing about it?  This segment will take an indepth look into the history of Seabrook, the current situation and the future. 



state lawmakers and ALEC

Who or what is ALEC and why should you care?


Despite their claim they are a charitable organization. A 503 (c) It’s anything but. This is a special interest group that has taken over the political circles, and has woven its way through the political fabric here in New Hampshire.


What ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) really does behind closed doors, at a retreat somewhere with taxpayer money, is to collaborate with Big Corporations and Local Politicians. ALEC decides the bills to give to the Local State Representatives. Giving them a template to introduce to the State House. All the “Politician” has to do is sign and present it, as if it were their own bill. That’s why common sense laws in this state don’t pass. Special interest groups can’t make money on morality. 

John Oliver hilariously slams ALEC













Meet Governor Chris Sununu and Jeanne Shaheen and how they changed politics in New Hampshire. 

Synopsis: The Sununu Dynasty and how it’s impacted politics in New Hampshire. An expose on New Hampshire governor Chris Sununu and his legacy of aiding and abetting President Trump. He’s running for the senate seat. What is at stake for the State of New Hampshire? Why is this so important on a nationwide scale?

Meet the Shaheens. 

On the other end of the political spectrum we have the Shaheens. Jeanne and Billy Shaheen. They also have a small family business that was linked to stolen goods. You heard right, they owned a small business called Bill and Bob’s. — A Sterling Example,’’ sold used jewelry. The Shaheens helped run a store in Maine from 1969 to 1977, when Bill was named U.S. Attorney for New Hampshire. He then sold his stake in the company.




One hispanic woman tried to Run for State Representative in New Hampshire. She was denied a campaign bank account. “We are not the bank for your campaign.” This issue was escalated to the Banking department of New Hampshire and was deemed “Inconclusive” no evidence of racism, or discrimination of any kind. We will examine this story in its entirety. You decide. 


Black Lives Matter – Seacoast

An inside look at the Organization vs. The movement as a whole. 






The political clubhouses




A in-depth look into Marsy’s law and who benefitted from it’s inception.

New Hampshire has various charities, and organizations that cater to “the greater good.” We have coalitions against Domestic Violence, Drugs, Guns…the list goes on. Where does all this money go? Where are they when real people need their help?

Case in point. Henry T. Nicholas III – Founder of Broadcom. He was the financier of Marsy’s law. 

Convicted felon billionaire. Known for his orgy caves, drugging prostitutes, trafficking drugs and an underground lair for his depraved activities that he hid from his wife and kids. He then was sued in 2016 by another ex partner for “whacking” her. —Allegedly…who stands to make money off such a bill? Who really made money on Marsy’s law? How are they all connected?





Judge Introcaso

Judge Julie Introcaso

Explore the world of Judges in the New Hampshire area.  An alleged crooked judge with alleged Mafia ties, facing charges of tampering with official documents will be arraigned on Nov 15th 2021. We will look into how exactly she has affected the lives of various families. 

New Hampshire’s family courts use a Guardian ad litem to serve as their own personal dictator of sorts. Using false allegations without research or background checks for the accused. Good parents lose their children with one stroke of a pen. Could this practice be considered “Kids for cash?” We take a look into these court cases, and the people who have fallen victims to what is supposed to be a guardian for their children. 

This is an expose on New Hampshire’s use of Guardian ad Litem Kathleen Sternenberg and her connection with Judge Julie Introcaso. The pair have very close ties. For instance, Kathleen is the Godmother to Judge Introcaso child. They go on vacations together, reportedly to Niagara Falls. Sternenberg claims she is not close to Introcaso. However, her defenses do not add up. Sternenberg was given cases by Introcaso, in which the expenses cap had been reached. She would write up a superbill, asking the party in a divorce case for more money. 

This is a racket that has been going on for some time. Proven to be effective. 

Robin Partello was the first to come forward, and reached the media for coverage. What happens next is mind-blowing. The other victims of Introcaso-Sternenberg have contacted each other, and meet to discuss their cases about the infamous duo. These victims of the court system in New Hampshire and corruption in the judicial system. These 5 brave souls have come forward to picket Judge Introcaso’s trial. Made signs, have testified to remove Sternenberg from her station. 

The victims of Judge Introcaso were infuriated to learn, she is getting Unemployment insurance after being disbarred from practicing law. 

Judge introcaso was given a slap on the wrists, by the judicial court. She was given community service and charges were made misdemeanors. Nov 15th 2021. Justice was not served. 

I just came across the attached statement of financial interest in CASA New Hampshire by Caroline Delaney Esq for her and her husband Michael Delaney (former AG, attorney representing Judge Introcaso).  


If I read this correctly, it means that the Delaneys have a financial interest in CASA NH which is the agency that helps place children who could have been handed over by Introcaso & Sternenberg?  If so, this is alarming, no? It would also perhaps point to a blackmail deal between Delaney, Geoffrey Ward, Judge Charles Temple for Introcaso.  What did Introcaso have on the Delaneys? Who knew about their financial interest in CASA NH? What did Introcaso have on Geoffrey Ward who recently announced that 14 corrupt police officer names were removed from the Laurie List? There was a complaint against AG Michael Delaney some years ago about his allowing police bribes under his watch.

Caroline Delaney also in charge of Department of Revenue 



State of corruption: who is mike gill?

We are exploring the world of Mike Gill.  A local New Hampshire resident who has taken youtube by storm with rants about three letter Government agencies. He has found ties to Money laundering and racketeering; Coercion and interference. Mr. Gill has been known to take to Twitter to call out his enemies. Trying so desperately to get someone to listen. We thought the majority of his rants were unfounded, and he himself may be slightly around the bend. Or does Mike Gill know too much and is feared by New Hampshire? Could this be a true whistleblower?



To be announced






In New Hampshire’s most famous case, drawing national media attention, Scholarship Student Owen LaBrie (18) was found guilty of misdemeanor sexual assault charges for a “he/said she/said” encounter with 15 year old St. Paul’s student at the prestigious New Hampshire Private School, in May 2014. He was also found guilty of a computer felony for soliciting a minor requiring lifetime sex offender registration. 7 years later – he is still on probation having been put in solitary confinement “For his own safety.” He was denied work release, the judge told Labrie, he was being monitored personally. GPS/curfew for three years and months from 5pm-8pm. Harvard education denied. 7 year prison sentence still hanging over his head, and a lifetime of tier 2 sex offender registration. Who benefited?

 The NHCADSV has been notorious for being the all too familiar voice against violence against women. Amanda Grady Sexton founder of this group, and is a lobbyist for New Hampshire, and has many conflicts of interests. She has many ties into the Political circus, including her own husband who is Adam Sexton. The political commentator for WMUR – New Hampshire. 

  • Why was she involved in the Owen Labrie case?
  • Why was she there at the trial?
  • What did she have to gain from persecuting him?